Όταν το 1931, ζητήθηκε απ' τον γνωστό φυσικό, να συμμετάσχει σε μια διεπιστημονική ανταλλαγή ιδεών, εκείνος διάλεξε τον Freud. //
“Every man has a right over his own life and war destroys lives that were full of promise.”
Despite his enormous contributions to science,Albert Einstein was no reclusive genius, his ever-eager conversations and correspondence engaging such diverse partners as the Indian philosopher Tagore and a young South African girl who wanted to be a scientist. In 1931, the Institute for Intellectual Cooperation invited the renowned physicist to a cross-disciplinaryexchange of ideas about politics and peace with a thinker of his choosing. He selected Sigmund Freud, born on May 6, 1856, whom he had met briefly in 1927 and whose work, despite being skeptical of psychoanalysis, the legendary physicist had come to admire. A series of letters followed, discussing the abstract generalities of human nature and the potential concrete steps for reducing violence in the world. In a twist of irony, the correspondence was only published in 1933 — after Hitler, who would eventually banish both Einstein and Freud into exile, rose to power — in a slim limited-edition pamphlet titled Why War?. Only 2,000 copies of the English translation were printed, most of which were lost during the war. But the gist of the correspondence, which remains surprisingly little-known, is preserved in the 1960 volume Einstein on Peace(public library), featuring a foreword by none other than Bertrand Russell.
Στα 40 της αιχμαλωτίστηκε απ' τους Ναζί, στα 109 της, είναι ακόμη <<αιχμάλωτη>> της μουσικής. Η γηραιότερη πιανίστρια/επιζών (<<έφυγε>> πριν λίγες μέρες), μιλά για το μεγάλο της πάθος! //
Μάλλον όχι, σίγουρα όμως, μια αξέχαστη μουσική βόλτα. (sic) Ladies and gentlemen, we proudly present the... Les Claypool's Fearless Flying Frog Brigade //
Live Frogs Set 1 is a live album by Colonel Les Claypool's Fearless Flying Frog Brigade, released by Prawn Song Records on 10 April 2001. It chronicles the first part of the 8 October 2000 show the Frog Brigade played at the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco, the second part released as Live Frogs Set 2. It is primarily composed of originals by the various side projects of Claypool and his fellow band members but also includes two cover songs.
Live Frogs Set 2 is the second set of live recordings by Les Claypool's Frog Brigade, released on July 24, 2001. The album is a complete performance of the Pink Floyd studio album Animals. It is introduced at the end of Live Frogs Set 1 as "more Pink Floyd than any human being should ever withstand", as the band's version of "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" comes to an end.
Pizza = good Space = good Pizza in space = not so good //
Most astronauts would probably love to enjoy a slice of pizza in the final frontier. Unfortunately, serving pizza in low-earth orbit is a fairly difficult task, but this hasn’t stopped a few hungry astronauts from trying over the years.
According to Vickie Kloeris, a food scientist employed at the Johnson Space Center, pizza isn’t likely to join the ranks of more conventional NASA cuisine anytime soon. Crumbs are the main culprit: Imagine hundreds of itty-bitty bread particles whizzing around sensitive equipment in reduced gravity. “You can’t get a crispy crust,” she says. “It’s always soggy or chewy.”
But in 2001, Pizza Hut decided to take one giant leap for mankind by becoming the first company to make a delivery to the International Space Station. “This [is a] mission to boldly go where no pizza has gone before,” boasted marketing officer Randy Gier.
Κι όμως! Δεν υπήρχαν από... πάντα. Μια <<λαχταριστή>> ανακάλυψη, από μια εστιάτορα, που ήθελε απλά να κάνει, τα μπισκότα της, πιο όμορφα.// She was a gifted cook and a savvy entrepreneur. And, despite what you may have heard, she didn’t invent it by accident.
It's hard to imagine these never existing.
Photo by Shutterstock
Julia Child and James Beard have nearly as much name recognition to many Americans as the Founding Fathers. But when was the last time you ate one of their dishes? I'm betting it’s a lot longer ago than your last chocolate chip cookie.
And yet, probably not one in 20 Americans know the name of the chef who invented America’s favorite cookie, if they even realize they were invented. Chocolate chip cookies are so ubiquitous and taken for granted that many people assume they've been around as long as apple pie and ice cream and have equally ancient, anonymous origins.
Όταν, το 2006, οι μαθητές ενός λυκείου, ζήτησαν (μέσω επιστολών), απ' τους αγαπημένους τους συγγραφείς, να επισκεφτούν το σχολείο τους, ο μόνος που απάντησε ήταν ο Vonnegut. //
In 2006, a group of high school students asked celebrated author Kurt Vonnegut to visit their school. He sent them the absolute perfect response.
According to Reddit user Alxmog1, students at Xavier High School in New York wrote to their favorite authors as part of an assignment. Vonnegut was the only one to respond, and while he said he would not be able to make a visit, his inspiring letter made up for it with with wit and charm.
(Story continues below.)
A photo of Vonnegut's letter, posted online by redditor Alxmog1.